Friday, 30 October 2020

Paper helicopter

                    Paper helicopter   

We had a challenge with a couple of people at a time to see who has got the best helicopter.


These are the paper helicopters we made for a reading task at school because it was related to the story. I had to get a 1x10 inches strip of paper and a paperclip. We had to fold the paper in half and fold the flaps down after that we had to fold the other end of the helicopter 2 inches up and then put a paperclip on the end. I am proud of it because it spins really well. It was really cool seeing everybody spinning the helicopters.

Friday, 16 October 2020

Mr Kinane

                                                    Coding with Mr Kinane

This is what it would look like if my group finished but we didn't. We got two micro bits, a Cricket, some sort of spinning device and two battery packs. We got a cup and a straw the straw acting like the garage door opener. We had to down a code onto the micro bits and set them to any angles we wanted and then it would work like this one.
Mr Kinane

This is Mr Kinane he was the person who brought all the equipment we used and helped us if we were stuck.