We were doing art we made our own clown. First we drew our clowns in our everyday book. Then we draw it on a big piece of paper. Then we choose our colours in the everyday book. The next day we melted old crayons in a big Electric Frypan with hot water and a muffin tin inside with the melted crayons. We got to paint in the colours of green, dark green, blue, dark blue, light purple and dark purple, pink and orange. We all came up in a group of three and we asked for the coloured brush we needed by coping off our everyday book then we kept on colouring in.
It took a long time for every person to finish it took about one and a quarter weeks for everyone to finish . When everyone was finished colouring their clown we had to start doing the border of the clown next we did after we did the background. My clown has an orange hat with a green bell on the top, purple hair, two funny red horns, two blue eyes, a mouth and tongue, and on my T-shirt I had a green strip, a yellow strip, a purple stripe with red squares on it and another yellow strip with purple triangles on it.
I my art think is pretty good, it wasn't what I thought it would be because I thought it would be better.
Hi Xanthe I like your clowns hat it looks like a orange christmas tree.