So clued up kids was when yr 5&6 went to a location where different stations were set up. This year it was at the Boys Brigade hall in Hokitika. We went to do all different sorts of safety drills. My favourite was the horse safety stuff and what not to do around a horse. There were 8 different safety drills, they were Motorbike ,four wheeler safety, what to do when there is an earthquake. There were kitchen and bathroom hazards, Kiwi rail was about how you have to give way and stay off the tracks, St Johns, a Fire crawl tunnel to practise if there is a fire, animal safety around a horse , and police search and rescue. My favourite was the horse safety stuff and what not to do around them . I liked it because you got to pat and feed the horse.

The St Johns was about what to do if someone is bleeding uncontrollably. The Kiwi rail was about how the trains can't stop but you can. At the police search and rescue they told a story about a boy who did not want to get changed in front of some other kids so he hid behind a hut and while he was getting changed the other boys left and the boy got confused and wandered off and ended up getting lost. If he had stayed where he was and did not leave his spot he would have been found. There were helicopters and people searching for him and they ended up finding him 6 weeks later. Sadly he had died. At the police search and rescue they also showed us what they used and what they had in the packs of equipment. They were talking about how good a search and rescue team in Westport were and how they can go on for a couple of days and then another search and rescue team would go on for another couple of days and so on. Did you learn anything new from this post?