Thursday, 4 March 2021

Here is my Hapu's amazing Kaitiakitanga animation.

 My Hapu is Rimu (Orange) our school has school values Manakitanga  (Respect) Rangatiratanga (Leadership) Whanaungatanga (Relationships) and Kaitiakitanga (Respect our Environment). The people who were in Rimu in my class made an animation about Kaitiakitanga. Here is a summary of the animation so there was a man walking on the beach and he saw rubbish and he picked it up and saw a turtle was beached so he called for help and the vet came to use shovels and put the turtle back in the ocean where it belongs.

First we found rubbish and made up about how the turtle got beached and thought of stuff along the way. I am proud because we made the boring school poster into an animation. Do you think this was a good explanation on what Kaitiakitanga is?

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