In lock down I taught myself how to do string art with out a tutorial. I will teach you how to do it.
I would say the learning was a success because they turned out pretty good. You will need a big thick needle, cotton string, a canvas, paint, scissors and masking tape. First cut masking tape to length of canvas. Then put tape on whatever place you want (I did sideways ). Paint the half then wait to dry before switching where the tape was put and paint the other side. When completely dry draw a design on the back and poke holes through the canvas from the design on the back. Then cut a long piece of string and divide into four pieces. Then put the little piece of string through the needle and tie a simple knot. Weave through the holes making sure that after you go through the hole from the back you go through the hole to make that stitch appear. Make sure to always end at the back of the canvas so you can cut of excess there and keep on going just like you started with a new piece of string. Have you ever made string art before?