Monday, 23 March 2020

My Tessellation art

This is my Tessellation art that I made at school. What you need to do so you can do this is, a big piece of paper, a little square of paper, your choice of two or three coloured pencils, something to cut with, a vivid and tape . You make it by getting the little bit of paper and colour one side with a regular pencil then cut a pattern that you can cut out and put on the opposite side. Then you trace it out on the big piece of paper with a regular pencil. After you have traced it with the pencil you trace over the pencil with vivid and then you colour them in with your coloured  pencils.


  1. It is lovely to see your tessellation art Xanthe. I like the colours you have chose to complete it and the way you have described what you did to create your work. If you ever get to look more at the art of M C Escher you will see that he also used rotational symmetry to create art works. May be we can have a go at these when we get back to school or you could watch a You Tube video and have a go yourself. I would love to see what you come up with.

  2. Kia ora Xanthe,
    Well done on creating such an excellent, detailed post about your tessellation art! I wanted to firstly start off this comment by saying a big thank you for clearly explaining how you created this art piece. The step-by-step process you have included under your image is fantastic as it clearly explains each step, and including the materials needed was a great addition as well!
    You mentioned how you cut out a pattern into a small square of paper, and then attached the cut out section onto the opposite side. How did you stick the two pieces together?
    You also mentioned how you coloured the final tessellation in using coloured pencils. Could you use paint or felt pens instead of colouring pencils?
    I really like the pattern you have used for your tessellation design, and think that the red and blue was a great colour choice for your work!
    How did you decide on these colours?
    Keep blogging, you're doing great!
    Nga mihi


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.