Thursday, 23 April 2020

My Anzac Day Family Challenge

Kaniere School ANZAC Day Family Challenge

This is the activity that we did for the Kaniere School ANZAC Day Family Challenge we made poppy's using red plates and stickers from my mums work and wood from my dads shed. 

Beside me in the photo is my dog Roxy.

This is me cutting out the stickers for the windows.
Here I am putting on the middle of the poppy.


  1. Wow Xanthe. The Poppies look great. Did they take long to make?

  2. Hi Xanthe
    I love your blog with all the photos. It tells the whole story! It is neat that everyone in your family had a poppy. It looks like it was a busy time making them. Have you been to the ANZAC day service that is normally held at the Regent and the Returned Servicemen march to the Town Clock?

  3. A very clever idea to use plates to make your poppies Xanthe. I have enjoyed making things as a family too. Its fun. Are you going to get up early Saturday morning and stand at the end of your driveway?


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