Friday, 25 June 2021

Emily Carr art term 2 art

 This term my class has been learning about a famous Canadian artist named Emily Carr. Sadly Emily passed away 2 March 1945. Emily had a painting that was sold after she was dead for 3.9 million she really liked to paint trees and had a funky style. Here's a picture of a painting that Emily Carr made.

You can search up Emily Carr's paintings and there are a heap of pictures on google that she made.

So my class painted trees. First we used a sponge and painted 2-3 colours of paint onto a piece of paper. Then we had to draw on a piece of a visual on what we wanted our tree to look like. After that we had to look at our visual and try and paint it on our painting after they had dried. We also added grass at the bottom and we are very proud of us. 

Do you like my painting? Do this make you want to research about Emily Carr more?


  1. Hi Xanthe, I love your artwork! It's quite interesting how by following a few simple steps like sponging, you can end up with such an amazing end result. Are you proud of your finished product? I hope you are!

  2. I like the art piece but I didn't know how to end the tree as u can see and the top.


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