Thursday 29 August 2019

Blue Poem

My favourite part about doing this was creating the background on pixel editor. I had to use my favourite colour which is blue so I had to use cracks with different shades of blue like light blue background and dark blue cracks and meteorite blue of a different crack shape. The thing I like most about mine is the background music because it is peaceful and calming so my video will make the rest of your day fresh like it just started all over again.


  1. Hi Xanthe, I love watching your blue colour poem. I love your last comment as it does make me feel peaceful and calm and it brings a smile to my face. I wonder if it will bring a smile to anyone elses face?

  2. Hi Xanthe it is Renny from Kaniere school. I like your peaceful music. I like the sentence that says Blue looks... as if the sky was falling on you.


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.